
Royalty-free image sourced from Pixabay

The Coronavirus Revolution is about Unity in Isolation—stepping up during this awful opportunity for awesome societal change.

It began with a hopeful essay called “The Coronavirus Revolution.” I’ve written short essays before, and this one was extremely short. But I wanted to do something, anything to help contribute some positivity to help counter the chaos.

I realized, however, that I could do much more than just write an essay. I do donate to charity, but I also have the ability to donate my time and talents. So I created this website, reached out to friends on Facebook, and invested in this website with my own funds.

This isn’t about me, however. That’s why I keep information on how to contribute as the last option on the contribute page. I don’t expect anything in return. This website is here for a purpose, and it’s not for me to benefit. This website, and hopefully, this movement is here for spreading hope during these difficult times.

When I was looking at domain names to purchase, I noticed that many were already taken. Upon visiting those websites, I noticed most were just parked domains, waiting for someone to purchase them from another party. One, however, was taken by an organization with similar ambitions. That was encouraging to see. I hope to see more of us stand up and step out to make a positive change in any way that we can. No matter how big or small, it all makes a difference.

Thank you for visiting this website and I hope it encourages you.